Physical Therapy is the treatment of disease, injury or deformity by means of physical methods using heat and/or ice treatment, manual therapy, massage therapy, exercise therapy and other mobilizing techniques.
Physical therapy is generally a preventative measure used to treat an ailment and avoid use of drug therapy or surgery. Patient issues can range anywhere from, but are not restricted to: automobile or trauma accident victims, individuals with disabling conditions, dislocating joints, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, head injuries and other neurological ailments.
Physical therapists (PTs) are medical professionals who work with patients who have impairments, limitations, disabilities, or changes in physical function and health status resulting from injury, disease and more. They provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent permanent physical disabilities. The general process includes: examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and mediation. Physical Therapists at PAPT develop individualized treatment plans in order to achieve maximum therapeutic benefit and restore physical function to its optimal level. In many cases, physical therapy is used in order to prevent the need for surgery or assist in improving post-surgical results.
Treatment often includes individualized exercise programs for patients who have been injured and lack flexibility, strength, or range of motion. PTs promote patients to use their muscles to further increase flexibility and range of motion in order to graduate to more complex exercises to improve strength, balance, coordination and endurance. Our therapists use electrical stimulation, hot packs or cold compresses, and ultrasound, in addition to manual therapy and therapeutic exercise, to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. They may use traction or deep-tissue massage to relieve pain, if needed. Patients are encouraged to be active in their treatment by use of exercises and stretches they can do outside of a clinical setting. PAPT therapist’s purpose is to improve how an individual functions at work and home.